16th June 2020

Coaching Dream Clients

Psychologists, physicians, therapists often seek me out when they are starting their coaching business. They want to understand how to deeply coach their clients rather than just give them “therapy”. And they want to learn how to get them amazing results.

I am often known as the coach to coaches and even help single love coaches find love! My method is so specific, and they know they are missing something with their clients looking for love.

Over the last decade, training these brilliant coaches and physicians has been so enlightening. They often ask me how my success rate is so high. 98% of women I work with get into loving, LASTING relationships within 6 months. The coaches I train are excited about this and want all the secrets.

To get results, the one key to my success is being selective. I don’t just take on any client. I choose very carefully. It’s a win win for everyone…I  coach my dream clients and my dream clients find amazing love.

I believe every one should have a coach, but not every coach should take on more than they can chew. I also know who is going to be successful using my method on our first breakthrough call.

It’s tempting to allow every interested person into my coaching program, but it’s often not worth it.

It’s not because I don’t like them…

It’s because I want my clients to get the best results. 

The conventional thought is…if someone books a breakthrough call with a coach and is ready to pay for coaching, you coach them. Period.

Sometimes coaches may feel desperate for the cash, so they accept that one client in who they KNEW was a bad fit.

That’s not operating out of integrity and it always backfires.

Sometimes, I get on a breakthrough call with a woman who wants to pay me for coaching but I feel she is not ready for a transformation.

Anyone can book a breakthrough call with me and they all get incredible value from the call…but I do look for a few things on that call, and I believe any good coach should too.

When talking to a prospective client, here are some simple key questions I am asking:

  1. How committed are you to finding love NOW? If they are not at a 10…YES, YES, YES…I ask more questions.
  2. How resourceful are you? When someone is a hard worker and deeply committed, you know it instantly. They will do what I tell them because they know it’s gold. I don’t teach Get A Man Fast schemes…I teach women how to find the partner of their dreams in a beautiful, fun and soulful way. I teach them techniques that are authentic and inspiring. If someone just wants an easy road…I know that’s a red flag.
  3. How coachable are you? When I ask a potential client this question, almost every one immediately says, ‘Oh yes, I am very coachable’. But, as you get more specific with your questions, you will realize very few people will take advice, get out of their heads, follow a plan and stick with it consistently even through challenging moments. Those who can do this…are my most successful clients….my DREAM clients!

After working with thousands of soulful, intelligent, successful physicians, professionals, and high-achieving busy women in their heads, I know how to get results for my clients who WANT to get in their hearts and get love.

If you find yourself saying:

“I’m sick and tired of feeling frustrated and lonely and I know I can find my loving partner…with a plan.”

“I may have been too busy in my career to focus on love in the past decade. I am ready to make a big change NOW.”

“I want to find the person I will grow old with to cuddle up with on weekends and create a real life together, but I have been really scared to DO IT. I am now ready.”

You’re ready…

Action is the next step. Intelligent action every day will create huge shifts in your coaching business.
